MAKE SOME NOISE! Take up space! Make your voice heard! Be proud of what you believe and who you are. Stay educated and educate others when you're able. Be patient and kind and loving but never compromise on your basic rights.
This series pairs some gender identity pride flags with the lyric "All the girls and the boys and people making noise" from Hawk Nelson's Bring 'Em Out. (This is not, by any means, ‘all’ gender identities, but I’m always welcome to suggestions for new variants!)
You can see the rest of the lyrics of the 2010 song here.
NOTE: Hawk Nelson is a Christian band. I note this because I understand that there may be people who would like to avoid that sort of thing. I am Christian myself and like that I can hear myself in these lyrics. Not everyone will, and I understand and respect that. Hawk Nelson has been an interesting band. Their lead singer turned away from Christianity after growing up in the church, condemning the evil in the world and inaction from the church in periods of great need. So, I have a lot of respect for him and the other members, who allowed him to leave peacefully and lovingly, saying that “We are called to love one another unconditionally.”
3 in vinyl sticker.